
How We Can Help Your Ankle Pain

Find out when it’s time to see a foot and ankle specialist about your ankle pain. 

There are many reasons why your ankle may be in pain, and some causes can be treated properly with simple at-home care and rest; however, it’s also important to understand when you can ease ankle pain on your own and when you should turn to our Abington, MD, podiatrists, Dr. Michael Block and Dr. Monica Cooney, right away for more comprehensive foot and ankle treatment.

Causes of Ankle Pain 

The most common cause of ankle pain is a sprain, which occurs when one of the ligaments has been overstretched or torn. Other causes include a fracture or an inflammatory condition known as Achilles tendonitis (this is common in runners). Those with flat feet may also be prone to ankle and foot pain. If your pain is persistent, then you could be dealing with chronic lateral ankle pain due to a past ankle injury that didn’t heal properly.

Other less common reasons for ankle pain include,

  • Gout
  • Bursitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Lupus
  • Infection

Easing Ankle Pain

If your pain is minor then you may be able to treat the pain on your own with rest and at-home care. Ice your ankle for up to 20 minutes at a time every 2-3 hours. Rest as much as possible and elevate your feet and ankles to reduce swelling. When walking, make sure that you are wearing supportive cushioned shoes. Sometimes using orthotics or heel pads can also take pressure off the foot and ankle.

Seeing a Podiatrist 

So, when is it time to bite the bullet and see our Abington, MD, foot doctor? It’s important that you see us as soon as possible if,

  • The pain is severe
  • There is significant swelling
  • There is a visible deformity
  • The pain prevents you from going about your regular routine
  • The pain returns
  • The pain doesn’t improve after 2 weeks of rest and care
  • You are experiencing weakness, numbness or tingling
  • You have diabetes and experience any foot or ankle problems

Our podiatrists will be able to create a treatment plan that will work best for you depending on the cause of your ankle pain. Different treatment options may include physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises, medication, and special therapies. We even offer extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT), a form of shockwave therapy that can treat both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. This treatment increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, and stimulates healing. EPAT is great for those dealing with Achilles tendonitis-related ankle pain.

Give Us a Call

If you are dealing with ankle pain that is severe or affecting your ability to walk, then it’s important that you turn to a qualified ankle specialist for care. Call our Abington, MD, podiatry practice right away at (410) 569-0445.

Our Location

Office Hours

Michael K. Block, DPM, LLC


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



