
What Can Cause Heel Pain Without Injury?

Usually, when you think about pain, there’s usually an injury or trauma that has occurred to cause that pain. That’s not the case for all pain. There are types of heel pain that are caused by overuse and inflammation instead of injury. Dr. Michael Block in Abingdon, MD, and serving Bel Air, MD, can explain the causes of heel pain and how you may experience it without ever having an injury.

Heel Pain without an Injury

Often, heel pain isn’t caused by a direct injury but occurs when the muscles inside the foot are inflamed and irritated due to overuse. This often happens if you have a job that requires you to spend long hours on your feet or if you wear improper footwear for long periods of time.

The most common form of heel pain is known as plantar fasciitis. This is when the plantar fascia, which is the muscle that runs through the sole of the foot to the heel becomes inflamed and irritated. The pain will feel stiff and sore and will be most intense after you’ve been sitting for a while. You won’t really experience pain while working out but may notice it after.

Pain is most severe in the morning, and it can be difficult to walk comfortably. You may need to wear a night splint to ease some of the pressure and pain you may experience. Your podiatrist in Abingdon, MD, and serving Bel Air, MD, may recommend exercises for heel pain to help strengthen and stretch the muscles that are in the foot.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today!

Just because you haven’t had a direct injury, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason for your heel pain. Contact Dr. Michael Block in Abingdon, MD, and serving Bel Air, MD, to learn more about heel pain and how it can be relieved. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (410) 569-0445.

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Michael K. Block, DPM, LLC


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